Restore balance.
Restore California.

My Priorities:

Your Safety Over Social Justice

Violent criminals, drug users, and repeat theft offenders have destroyed our cities and are coming for our suburbs. I will prioritize your family’s safety and success of our small businesses over failed social justice programs.

Your Families Over Illegal Immigrants

Housing, food, insurance, and taxes are skyrocketing. I will vote against budgets that transfer billions of tax dollars away from California families to freebies, housing, and healthcare for illegal immigrants.

Your Finances Over Failed Programs

Sacramento’s failed programs and high taxes are destroying the greatest state in our country. People create prosperity, not government programs. I will vote to leave money in our pockets so WE can rebuild California.

See where I stand in this 75-minute podcast interview covering all the issues.

I'm not afraid to sit down and talk about the issues. Listen to my interview with Joe Sweeney where he grills me on everything from cost of living to fire insurance to gun control.

Campaign Kickoff

July 21, 2024

The California legislature is now 80% Democrat. Their unchecked agenda is destroying our state:

  • Skyrocketing home costs

  • Home & fire insurance denials

  • Increasing real estate taxes

  • Housing shortages

  • Unaffordable rental housing

  • Harmful rent control ordinances

  • Increasing state tax burdens

  • Gas $2.00 higher than other states

  • Violations of parental rights

  • Closing of small businesses

  • Destruction of inner cities

  • Declining academics in schools

It’s time for us to stop them.

Restore balance. Restore California.

Joe Rubay

The safe, moderate, responsible leader we need to restore balance.

As a community leader for 30 years, Joe has been appointed to positions by two Governors and a County Supervisor. As a small business owner who serves on the board of his middle schooler’s PTA, Joe understands that our local communities are not destroying California — it’s Sacramento’s short-sighted legislation.



Help point voters in the right direction.