Attempted Assassination of President Trump

As a father, husband, and candidate for California Assembly, these are my thoughts on the assassination attempt on President Trump.

It is unconscionable to me that a peaceful political rally on a beautiful summer day in a Pennsylvania town can become a historic tragedy in seconds.

We pray for the memory of the rally goer that lost his life for merely showing up to support the candidate he believed in, and the others who remain hospitalized. We pray for the quick and complete recovery of former President Trump, both physically and mentally.

You and I are so overloaded with information every day that we have become numb to the severity of what is happening in our country. This must shock us awake. It is incumbent on all decent people to reflect on what has happened. A former President, and current candidate, supported by tens of millions of Americans was a half of an inch from being murdered after nearly a decade of incessant political rhetoric, smear, and lies against him.

A wife almost lost her husband. Children almost lost their father. Grandchildren almost lost their grandfather.

Regardless of what you think about President Trump, it is undeniable that our country was better off at the end of his Presidency than at the beginning. And it is undeniable that he is a leader and one of the strongest humans alive.

Find me another person alive who can endure what he has endured and keep going. Find me another person alive, who on top of everything he has endured, had part of his ear shot off by a rifle round while giving a speech at a rally, with blood dripping down the side of his face, and still had the wherewithal and courage while being rushed to safety to clench his fist in strength to let his supporters know that he was okay.

There is only one person alive who could have done that: Donald Trump.

Incendiary language must end now. No one should be called an existential threat to our democracy and compared to Hitler. President Trump left office peacefully in January 2021. January 6th was not an insurrection, there wasn’t a single firearm found among the crowd. It was a protest against suspicious election results that escalated into a riot. Bad actors, yes. But also failures of dozens of people who could have kept the protest in check. President Trump asked protestors to march “peacefully and patriotically” to the capitol and offered 10,000 National Guard troops to keep peace on January 6th. His offer was declined by Nancy Pelosi and others. Those are facts intentionally omitted by the media.

Our country’s collective mental health has become progressively worse due to our toxic culture and politics. Our representatives should be using their power to serve their constituents and improve our lives. Instead, they pander to special interests, pass laws that benefit them and harm us, claw more tax dollars from hardworking families every year, and use their media machines to manipulate us into thinking they are solving our problems, when they know they are not. We’ve gone about our busy lives, trying to make a living while giving half of our income to those in power, trusting them to create an environment where our families can prosper.

But now we’re waking up. We see what they are doing. We see how far they are willing to go. And we’ve had enough.

California was the best state in the country for decades, an icon of its own. And now it’s collapsing into an embarrassment.

Many hoped that people like President Biden, Governor Newsom, and the Democrat mega-majority in the our state Legislature would lead us down the right path. No one can say with a straight face that we’re on the right path. We need change, we need to move back to the middle.

I’m only a fraction the man of President Trump, but I will fight like him, with the fraction I have.

Please forward this to others if you feel the same. I need you to help me fight with the fraction you have, too. Let’s turn the tide, restore balance, and restore California.

Fighting for our families,

Joseph Rubay
Candidate for State Assembly District 16


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